The mother earth pendant - The Eco Jewelry!

All profits from the sale of this pendant will be donated
to organizations that deal with ecological matters
The mother earth pendant was created to express and strengthen the connection between us, humanity and the only home we have, Earth. The systematic destruction and devastation of natural resources are interfering with the delicate ecological balance of the planet. We are seeing rapid climatic changes taking place these days, damage to nature, to rain forests, destruction of coral reefs and the disappearance of millions of species in a matter of decades. The resources of Planet Earth are being destroyed – water, earth, the air we breathe, trees and the oceans. Large parts of humanity are today awakening to this fact and understanding the desperate need for change.

Hanging from the bottom of the pendant is a smaller medallion on which is engraved the question in Hebrew - “will you change it?” ("HATESHANU") This word is mentioned in the Biblical Code and although opinions vary as to the veracity of the Code, it did succeed in prophesying different historical events such as mass wars and the murder of Prime Minister Rabin. It is interesting to note that when texts in the Bible Code foresee such events, next to the section always appears the question “will you change it?” The future is not fixed; rather it is composed of almost an infinite number of possibilities, each one of which leads to a different possible future.

Around the word “will you change it?” is a passage from the prophet Isaiah “Say the letters backwards” which can be interpreted in two ways – tell or read the events backwards – in other words reveal future, or read the letters from the end to the beginning. It is fascinating to note that below the passage appear two words written from the end to the beginning “change the time”.

The future of Mother Earth and the destiny of humanity are in the hands of each one of us! 

"When I created the design of Mother Earth pendant, it was very important to me to donate all the profits from the sale of the pendant to organizations that deal with ecological activities," says Weitzman "I believe that I am achieving a number of goals. First, the jewelry is a constant reminder to whoever wears it that he or she has the ability to influence the future of planet Earth. Second, help to collect the much-needed financial help to implement the desired changes."

Starting with a $100 donation to made during the launch of the Mother Earth Campaign in March 2009, KA Gold Jewelry was able to increase the amount of donations. With merely two years since this campaign was launched, KA Gold Jewelry has already donated a total of $3,430.00, the latest of which is the $1,000 donation it made to dated February 6, 2011. Other ecological organizations that benefited from this campaign were 'Youth Action to Climate Rescue' and 'Protect Indigenous Rights - Save the Amazon'.

All these organizations have used donations to help plant more trees. Weitzman specifically wanted to focus on planting trees to help save Mother Earth simply because this act will help restore nature's balance. By doing so, more and more lives will be saved and future generations will have the privilege to enjoy the goodness that this world can offer.

Weitzman specifically says, "The systematic destruction and devastation of natural resources are interrupting the delicate ecological balance of the planet. We are seeing rapid climatic changes taking place these days; damage to nature, to rain forests, destruction of coral reefs and the disappearance of millions of species in a matter of decades. The resources of planet earth are being destroyed - water, earth, the air we breathe, trees and the oceans. Large parts of humanity are today awakening and understanding the desperate need for change."

The Eco Jewelry is with no doubt a great symbol bringing balance to Mother Earth. Designed to let the wearer understand that the Hebrew command found below the pendant literally means 'change it', this piece of jewel is a must-have to those who are ready to change the world on a positive note.

To see the specially-designed Eco Jewelry and learn more about how you can help save Mother Earth by buying one, simply visit KA Gold Jewelry.

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jewelry foto, The mother earth pendant

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